Saturday, June 6, 2009

excuse the hiatus

But my daughter just graduated. From Harvard. Who knew, what with pre and post-game events, celebration would last a week? Pardon my popping buttons, but here's a pic of her in Phi Beta Kappa parade. Only marcher wearing leopard print flats and trendy metallics. So proud :)


Steffan said...

My daughters are not yet in high school but I can only dream of them doing what yours just did. congrats!

Ad Broad, oldest working writer in advertising said...

Thanks, Steffan. Appreciate your kind words. Daughters not yet in high school? Buckle your seat belt. Good news is: it's only 4 years ;)

@amberportercox said...

Wow! That just rocks! A dream of mine: to attend Harvard. She just created a GREAT life-long network. Congrats! (And maybe the drop on her head helped?! Nice work, mom!)

Teenie said...

Congrats, Mother Broad! You must be very, very proud. What an achievement!

Ad Broad, oldest working writer in advertising said...

@amberportercox Yep. I'm convinced the head drop made all the difference ;)

@Teenie Same to you... in about 22 years :)