Thanks to wonders of The Worldwide Internet,
radio listening is on the rise, and as TV audiences continue to dwindle, I wonder if at some point we'll hit ratios of listeners vs. viewers we haven't seen since 1959.
Part of what accounts for radio's comeback is
podcasting, which allows you to tune into discussions that mine
whatever esoteric subject you're interested in. If you're reading this blog (hey, thanks, btw) you're no doubt interested in advertising, and two podcasts devoted to this subject stand out.
You may already know about the excellent
Beancast, a weekly roundtable discussion hosted by
Bob Knorpp. Now, two friends of Beancast have launched
Adverve, a less formal podcast devoted to deconstructing the industry.
Bill Green (of
Make the Logo Bigger) and
Angela Natividad (of
Adrants) launched the first episode in October exploring a subject rarely spoken of in polite company:
Racism in Advertising. Guest speaker
Hadji Williams (whom you may know from
Racialicious) had so many interesting things to say on the matter, the show was promptly downloaded almost 2000 times. (You can grab it in its entirety
here and
here .) Bill and Angela have pledged to explore all the "isms" in the business, and I was glad to be tapped for their
recent show on ageism. What's next? Possibilities abound: Sexism. Plagiarism. Narcissm. And (paging Don Draper) alcoholism. Angela suggests renaming the series "Adverve Intervention." Ear buds and a sidecar, please.