Yeah, it's a recession. Ad agencies all around us are downsizing, reorganizing, even shutting their doors. (RIP, JWT/Chicago.) So, um. Yeah. What better time to start up a new one. We met as twittering Mad Men. Now we're forming a Mad Men 2.0 agency. Same convenient initials as Sterling Cooper. Supporting Characters. It's a consortium of social media players I'm proud to be part of. Advertising veterans. PR strategists. Creative technologists. Futurists. To help brands achieve relevance in digital space.
Yesterday, Ad Age posted a video piece about it and my partner, Carri Bugbee (aka @PeggyOlson). Ad Age called us the world's first twitter ad agency. But we won't do only twitter. In fact, we'll sometimes advise against it. Because we believe that a technology platform ought to be the last choice you make when designing a social media campaign. We'll talk more about this and other hard-won insights in our Social Media Road Show. Coming soon (hopefully) to a conference room near you.
Cheers to you all! And best of luck in your new venture.
Thanks, guys. Cheers from you are much appreciated ;)
Very cool! I've never Twitted a wink in my life, but I may have to start...
Congrats adbroad! that's just great!
Thanks, Teenie! Hope to see you in Twitterville ;)
Nice to hear from you, Jane. Though we've never met IRL, I feel like we're old friends.
adbroad, i feel the exact same way!
funny what this blogging thing can lead to.
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