Sunday, December 14, 2008

Charlie Brown learns the true meaning of Advertising

Poor Charlie. He's on impossible deadline for a concept but all his ideas suck. Linus lords his silver Addy over him, Sally's hounds him for timesheets and Peppermint Patty wonders why she ever slept with him. What a writer at Crispin would do?

Anonymous creators of this ought to get a Clio for Christmas. I got it from Adfreak who tipped Adrants and Brettner.


Sidney said...

I work clientside, but this is brilliant!

Anonymous said...

This was great. Now someone should do it with "It's a Wonderful Life."

Ad Broad, oldest working writer in advertising said...

@Sidney In my experience, clients can be surprisingly informed about shenanigans that go on at their agency...;)

@auntie christ Great idea. Please send it to me when you're done ;)

Anonymous said...

This is my favorite expression of my personal holiday spirit EVER. Brilliant, on so many levels. And yes, painful not to see credit go where it's due.
Thanks for posting it ~

Ad Broad, oldest working writer in advertising said...

@TheGirlPie Agreed!! According to an (unverified) comment in Ad Age, it was done a couple of years ago by Intermark Ad Group in Birmingham.

Anonymous said...
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