Thursday, February 12, 2009

adbroad IRL

Last night at the Shorty Awards, I passed out my in the real world info on recipe cards from the kitchen of Betty Draper. And agreed to be outed by The Wall Street Journal. What a scene, those Shortys. Turquoise daquiris (twitter's fail whale color), wandering astronaut in helmet, faces you're used to seeing half-inch square on a screen suddenly attached to a body and talking to you. Now that I'm outed, should I switch my avatar for my pic? But I like having a blonde wave and that 60s demeanor.


Jeanine Marie said...

You Rock!

Ad Broad, oldest working writer in advertising said...

Thanks, Catnip. You rock, yourself ;)

Adam S said...

I stumbled across your website this evening and I have to say your 'About Me' profile has the makings of a great book! Who needs Mad Men?

Ad Broad, oldest working writer in advertising said...

Thanks, @ELM. Say, are you an editor? ;)

Adam S said...

For my sins, I am a freelancer now working on my own site and running another for an actress friend. Once again, I love your site!