I'm honored that AdBroad was Friday's pick for Blogger's Blog of Note. You'd think Blogger would notify you of this, but they don't. You notice only that your statcounter is going ballistic. My normal 3-digit daily readership shot up past 5,000 and I was dumbfounded that so many visitors were drawn to the mad men dispute. I thought maybe Mad Men viewers were crazy for 60s content in the off season, until someone congratulated me in the comments.
I'm thrilled, of course, to see graph bars shoot up (a nice contrast to 401.K graphs I've been watching) but the downside of newfound popularity is spam comments. Most are long lists of nonsense in various languages. So, I now have to add an annoyance to the process of commenting. A security check before comments can be published. Which I hope won't discourage you, if you're a human moved to say something. Security check isn't for you. It's for all those bot terrorists. At least you won't have to take off your shoes.
Congratulations on being a blog of note! I love commercials and ads! That's the only reason my TV is ever on, so I can stop and watch commercials :D Though American commercials are pretty tame...
just the name of your blog alone made me want to take a look.
Congratulations on being chosen for blogs of note. It's good reading and I apreciate not having to take my shoes off. lol
This was posted at 11:11 ! On purpose or sheer coincidence? ;)
thats actaully how i found out about your blog, via 'Blogs of Note' in my dashboard, congratulations! I am now following your blog I hope to see more soon.
If you'd like to, take a glance at my blog i just started. It's just me posting anything I find that intrigues me and most people.
congrats again!!
Ah, the price of fame, ad broad. Anyway, that's pretty damn cool, especially for those of us who were loitering around here barefoot *before* you were world famous. Keep up the good work!
Love your blog mate. Its just a shame youve had to add the security check to comments!
I was wondering how people found out that they got Blog of Note. Sorry to hear your getting the spammers. Congrats though!
How do you become a blog of note?
Congrats on being a blog of note!!! And yeaa spam comments suck.
Don't be mad, i guess this is kinda spam.... i'm sorry....
my blog:http://blogfromthebeginning.blogspot.com/
What's your policy on liquids?
My verification word is "press." How nice of you to reserve seats for the media.
Yes, becoming a "blog of note" causes some unwanted attention. I too, have had to start attending to approval of comments before publishing...another time consumer of my day.
I'm still getting hits to my blog, almost two weeks later, thanks to the "blog of note" notice, but the spam comments have just about disappeared. I'm hopeful, soon I will be able to leave the readers of my blog to write their comments and NOT have to monitor this particular section.
Nothing is quite as gratifying as when we as commenters are able to see OUR efforts on your blog acknowledged quickly!
Congratulations, Ms. Broad! You deserve every accolade. Always a pleasure to read your musings!
Congrats! First time reader. I must admit that I had a little giggle with your outlook on having to monitor the terrorists of the blog world. Nice.
Congrats. Well done. I aspire to be there one day as well. he he he. Having said ha, nice blog. keep the good work ticking. Some constructive criticism could be that you got tweak around the appearence of your blog. Work on it. Looking forwar to hear more interesting and cool things from you.
Olá amiga! Adorei teu espaço, tem lindas fotos, porém se colocasses um tradutor, ficaria mais fácil para entender e comentar.
@Senorita Andaluciana @Tom @TerryTunes1958 @pJ @Tribal @Jen @Kathleen @Adi@ Rosemildo Sales Furtado Thank you!
@Jake P Thanks for hanging around ;)
@Faith I have no idea how they choose Blog of Note. Rock, Paper, Scissors?
@Joker Of course, I've instructed the bot goon to show due respect ;)
@Teenie Thanks! Your musings are always a pleasure for me, too. Hope impending motherhood isn't slowing you down.
@chessie Congrats to you. Yes, love the hit count but look forward to being able to let people comment freely again.
@Chrys Glad I gave you a smile :)
well done, you. love the content and look forward to reading your posts! i'd say something witty, but it's 12:17am and i'm off to bedfordshire (does that count?).
Mam, what you have stumbled upon is the last hanging hair of anti-feminism in this world. In my opinion, a woman who bears children would have more of a view of how to advertise than a man who lives in his own world. But not all of us use both sides of our brain ;)
@JGregg Thanks! Hope Bedfordshire is lovely this time of year :)
@Anor Armon Hmmm. Last hanging hair? IMO, there's quite a bit left to comb. You and Welch would have a lot to discuss. Thanks for the read and your POV.
good blog
I love this blog and subscribe so I do not miss a thing! With so many blogs out there, this one actually offers something something interesting and I love that I leave learning something new.
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