No internet. No newspapers. No CNN. No idea I'd be flying home today to a state with a new governor.
My first reaction? Who are Clients 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8?
Lucky for them, the Emperor's Club website has gone dark. Curiously, however, its shell site is still live as of this posting. According to Conde Nast, the proprietors of Emperor's Club also run QAT Consulting which gave "emperors" a legit-sounding place to make their payments. QAT puports to offer web design, marketing, strategic planning and other services stated to be "comprehensive and hands on." The price ranges from $600-$3000 "depending on the complicity of the project." At $4300, Spitzer's project was complicit indeed. But why bother hauling bundles of cash in plain white envelopes across state lines, when the website accepts credit cards and PayPal?
given that spitzer spent up to $80k, it's possible that he may be clients 1-9.
Really, Highjive? I hadn't seen that number. So THAT'S what he meant before taking office, promising "things will be different from Day One."
I've already predicted "Kristen" Dupre will make a million posing for Playboy and her music career will take off (whatever that means).
Her pimp, or the guy that owned the business has already been on the Fox Five news, paid I'm sure. There are tell-all books and movie deals to be had, Vanity Fair articles etc.
I wouldn't be surprised if Spitzer STILL runs for president, in like 2016.
OMG, Ad Broad, it almost sounds as though you could have been in the Valley. No duh. Glad you're back....
Auntie, love your prediction. I can see those MoveOn make-your-own spots for him already. As for book deals, Notbillable posts skepticism. But, I net out with you. Publishing will never go broke underestimating the taste level of our fellow americans.
Thanks, Malled. Like, um, i might not want to live in your Valley of Dolls (loved the Barbie post), but if only NYC had 90210 weather.
To me the kicker was that this guy paid extra for bareback sex.... meaning no condom..... with a prostitute..... a highly paid prostitute yes, but a hooker none the less.............. Just goes to show that politicians are a crude bunch to say the very least of them.
BTW, his presidential campaign would be to say that although Bill Clinton only got to third base, he's going alllll the wayyyyyyyyyyy
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