Tuesday, August 12, 2008

because in new york, even hot dogs have an opinion


shaun. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
shaun. said...

im wont lie. i deleted my comment due to grammar errors. And you copywriters scare me.

but what i wanted to say...if grays thinks that, i totally agree.

they have one more than one occasion, saved my life.

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious! I think that would make my day if I saw it.

Shaun - adbroad is a copywriter who will not publicly humilate you for your spelling/grammer errors. shes way too classy!

shaun. said...

thats what they (copy writers) all say.

shaun. said...


Ad Broad, oldest working writer in advertising said...

@shaun--Trust me. I am too glad for comments to mock people not having tim to spllchick. I'm a Gray's fan, too. (For non-nyc based readers: sign says Gray's Papaya. Best dogs in the world. And frankly-er, sorry- the only breed I am keen on.)

@jane--Next time you're here--72nd & Broadway. Upper West Side. Open 24 hours. Last stop for many after a hard night on the town.