Poor Frosty. He's been a tormented character since the 1890s when Young Folk’s Cyclopædia of Games and Sports listed a popular game in which children score points by throwing snowballs at a snowman. When Prohibition ended in 1933, no wonder he took to drink, becoming pitchman for leading liquor companies, appearing in print ads for Miller Beer, Ballantine Ale, Rheingold Beer, Schlitz, Chivas Regal Scotch, Jack Daniel’s and Four Roses. His saturation in booze proved so persuasive he became a marketing kingpin in other categories, too. Wearing nicer scarves and a classier top-hat, he hawked Cadillacs, tuna, booties, insurance, even asbestos. Usually, while still holding a drink. Now, of course, we insist our children's characters be dry. Which is why you didn't receive a Christmas card like this.
[appropriated from an expose on Snowman Abuse in Smithsonian]
1 comment:
ohh nooo! poor frosty. the bottle is not the answer.
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