High energy and entertainment value at last night's CLIO awards for Emerging Media. (Emerging? Neil Robinson, AKQA CD bridled at this in a panel: "Is it still 1997? Why are we still talking about the novelty of digital?")
No surprise that Crispin Porter + Bogusky took Gold in Interactive for Whopper Sacrifice which ECD Rob Reilly pointed out leveraged both social media and human nature. A Facebook application convinced more than 233,000 to defriend someone in return for a free Whopper. Dumped friends were informed they'd been sacrificed in messages that included their profile pics in flames. Facebook stepped in, disabling the app as it violated FB policy of not informing users when defriending occurs. But by then, the campaign had already converted 233,000 consumers and generated incalcuable free press and WOM. Crispin cleverly leveraged the fallout by cross-platforming the news in traditional print.
Another no brainer: Obama campaign won Gold for Integrated. Dipdive acceptor said, humbly, "Our client was the American people." No wonder their "product" was named Ad Age Marketer of the Year. A companion campaign, the hilariously effective "The Great Schlep" won Silver in Content & Category.
Surprises were multitudes of strong showings from afar. Particularly impressive was Silver winner for Innovative Media: BBDO Auckland's campaign for New Zealand Book Council. Brief: Encourage people to read again. Concept: Disguise books as computer documents so people will be able to read them at work, despite BOS. And organize books into an online library diguised to look like a Windows desktop.
An Aussie campaign for a travel company was produced, interestingly, by an alliance between a strategic agency The Hallway and a creative one Happy Soldiers. How to get people to take vacations during a recession? Produce household staples and price them for pennies, so shoppers can spend money on travel instead.
Gold winner for viral (I know you hate that word) was Superfad's brilliant because oh-so-simple concept executed in charming animation for Durex. (As of today, 2.8 million unpaid views)
Lots more CLIO goodness (including stunningly sophisticated work from students at NYC's School of Visual Arts and Miami Ad School) in full list of winners here.
The whopper campaign was brilliant. Though I think someone sacrificed me a long the way. I was somewhat offended, but I understood.
Ha. No, if you'd been sacrificed, golublog, you would have received notice from Burger King. That's why Facebook pulled the plug on the campaign. Because of the notification. I feel sure you're worth more than a Whopper to anyone :)
Ok my word verification is derry... that's just beautifully odd. Having wasted two lines and a bit on that, I did see the whopper fiasco and enjoy its evil randomness and how the Fascist Book Nation tried to shoot it down lol. Funny thing for me is that the more awards I see, the less I care simply because of what it used to mean to me. I actually turned down an invitation to an event recently because I just didn't want to owe anyone favors, which was the topic of choice for the event since the typical agencies won and the fraternal circle jerk wasted no time in showing the times aren't all a changing.
@Joker Fascist Book Nation. Ha. This is why I love you, Joker :)
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