Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Dodge Superbowl spot generates direct response on youtube

Thank god it's the era of CGC and youtube so that Dodge's $3 million man-as-endangered-species spot could be rebutted for a fraction of the price by New York-based writer/producer MacKenzie Fegan. Her skillful parody airs views from Venus. Or is it Mars? I can never remember. But hey, how come only the guys get the car? (Full transcript here.)

Fegan is someone Dodge's agency W+K might consider wooing to Portland. They're in dire need of a female car creative out there, if this spot on Dodge's youtube channel is indication of what they think women want.

found in the twitterverse, via Edward Boches


California Girl said...

She says what most of us female units feel.

Howie said...

I loved the spoof ad. You women do not get enough credit for putting up with the pig males in this world.

Ad Broad, oldest working writer in advertising said...

Couldn't agree more, California Girl. Luv the new icon btw :)

Thanks, Howie. Not all males are pig males, of course, but an inordinate number seem to be involved in creation of Superbowl ads ;)