Casual office dress too casual for your taste? Sotheby's offers a 7 ½ foot square (get it) painting of what looks like a close-up of a Brooks Brothers shirt to display in your workplace and subliminally remind slackers of what constitutes proper workplace attire. Auction in London, July 1. On view in NYC, May 10-14. Estimated sale price: $4-6 million.
via DKR via today's New York Sun
So all I have to do to earn seven digits is to paint a shit ass square with a gay color palette..... nice..... As I always say, there's art and then there's art.... here we have a piece from the bullshois movement.
Okay, okay, I *am* coming from a different perspective, but I love the pattern and the colors. For a shirt, maybe even a set of sheets. Not for the wall as a piece of art. Nope. But then, I get all misty eyed sometimes looking at textiles, so what the h---.
BTW, I love the blog. Love it. Of course, I grew up with a parent who sold space for Cowles and then Life and then Look with a space in there for the Curtis Publishing Folks (Saturday Evening Post) so we are lucky enuf' to have some of his cool cover illustrations, so I would love it. Especially the note about the days when Art Directors actually drew - the Olden Days methinks, hhhmmm?!
@joker--or, you could possibly get away with a shit-ass circle. The artist made her mark originally doing polka dots.
@tpp--thanks for the read and kind words. Highly valued, coming from a vintage media maven.
We could have Steve Wynn poke a hole in it with his finger...
Why is this farfetched? I mean, what's a Bridget Riley worth? This would look smashing in front of the Biedermeir lounge chair I don't have in my imaginary corner office.
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