Usually, a trip to see family in the Midwest entails a relatively painless two hour nonstop flight but yesterday, as if to pay me back for
a recent snarky post re. the industry, they cancelled my flight (withholding the news until I was at the airport, trying to check in eletronically when the kiosk flashed the ominous See Agent warning) and detoured me to Charlotte, NC where I waited for hours, which gave me time to discover that the Gracious South still exists in ladies rooms there. Incredibly, each is supplied with a trayful of treats for the Lady Traveller: hand cream, breath mints, tampons, Listerine. More incredibly to me, though the trays are unattended, takers take only a dainty amount.

I finally made it to my destination (with soft skin and inoffensive breath) but the airline's vengeance continued: my bag stayed in Charlotte.
I actually enjoy those delays. It's when I get a lot of reading and writing done though after the sixth hour my neck is killing me. Oh well, c'est la vie.
Sorry to hear about this. Reading about my friends airline troubles - both in blogs (see Jaffe's Delta Skelter experience) - and on Twitter (pain in real time!) convinced me to make our summer vacation one we could drive to this year.
And yes, civility still lives in the South. (In NY, those mints and mouthwash would be gone in about 15 minutes!)
@joker-yes, I got a lot of paperwork done in my lovely rocker.
@alan--driving, good plan! (Except for the gas prices...) Thanks for real time commiseration, sometimes wonder if tweets are falling trees in people-less forest...
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